As the user root or as a user that is a member of the printq group, edit the/ etc/ qconfig file and remove the asterisks from the beginning of the lines for the "bsh:" and "bshdev:" stanzas 作为root用户或属于printq组的用户,编辑/etc/qconfig文件,删除“bsh:”和“bshdev:”节的每一行前面的星号
To see such model group information in the XML Mapping Editor, edit the XML Mapping preferences to show the groups. 要在XMLMappingEditor中查看这类模型分组信息,可编辑XMLMapping首选项来展示分组。
Click a group that contains your IMAP account, and then click edit. 单击某个包含imap帐户的组,再单击“编辑”。
You can click the group or user account name to edit the role assignment. 可以单击组名或用户帐户名以编辑角色分配。
Group collaboration is enhanced when conference participants can see, mark up and edit the document at hand& almost as if gathered around a computer in the same room. 当与会者能方便地看到文档,并能对其加标记和进行编辑时,几乎就像在同一房间里围绕在一台计算机周围工作时,小组协同性就得到了增强。
This group has full permissions to edit data but can't alter the design of any database objects. 该组对编辑数据具有完全的权限,但不能改变任何数据库对象的设计。
On the Group Policy tab, click Edit. 在组策略选项卡上点击编辑。
This group has full permissions to edit data and all objects except it can't alter the tables or relationships. 该组对于编辑数据和所有对象除了不能改变表或关系以外具有完全的权限。
On Group Policy tab, click the Default Domain Policy, and select Edit. 在组策略选项卡,点击默认域策略,选择“编辑”。
The local security settings database cannot be edited from the Security Configuration and Analysis snap-in. Use the Group Policy snap-in to edit the local security settings. 无法从安全配置和分析管理单元编辑本地安全设置数据库。请用组策略管理单元编辑本地安全设置。
On the groups tab, select the group to edit, and then click edit. 在“组”选项卡中,选择要编辑的组,再单击“编辑”。
On the insert tab, in the illustrations group, click the arrow below picture, and then click edit photo album. 在“插入”选项卡上的“插图”组中,单击“图片”下的箭头,然后单击“编辑相册”。
For example, if your site manager has allowed your group to add only text to pages, you can add and edit only text. 例如,如果网站管理员只允许您所在的组向网页中添加文本,则您只能添加和编辑文本。
Cooperative editor system, which is one of focuses in CSCW research field, allows a group to jointly edit a shared document in a distributed environment. 协同编著系统是CSCW的其中一个研究重点,它使得群体成员可以协作完成文档的编写和修改。
Especially those poems referring to the associating with other poets of Jiang Hu Poem Group can help us with the study of Chen's theory about publishing and edit. 其中许多提及与江湖诗人交游情况的诗,颇有助于我们更好地研究陈起作为一个出版家的选题出版思想。
Session Recording Based on the Event Logging Realized in the Web Group Edit 利用事件记录在基于Web的群组编辑系统中实现会议记录